How it works

Welcome to Jisort Ublow Enterprises, your go-to platform for connecting clients in need of short-term software projects with top-notch experts. Our mission is to streamline the process of finding and delivering high-quality software solutions, ensuring both clients and experts have a seamless and productive experience.

  • Step One

    Creating an Account

    Provide your name, email address, phone number, and password. Your name helps identify you, your email facilitates communication and must be unique, and your phone number is crucial for contact. After registering, you'll receive an onboarding email and can log in to your dashboard using your email and password.

  • Step Two

    Posting a Project

    Once logged in, you can create a project by navigating to the "Create Order" section on your dashboard. Here, you’ll need to:

    1. Title: Give your project a clear, descriptive title.
    2. Description: Provide a detailed description of your project, including specific requirements and goals.
    3. Categories: Select the relevant categories that best describe your project.
    4. Due Date: Set a realistic deadline for project completion.
    5. Budget: Specify your proposed budget.
    6. Attachments: Upload any relevant documents or files that will help experts understand your project needs.

    After saving your project, a confirmation email will be sent to you, and your project will be displayed on your order page. You can manage your project here by updating details, making payments, or managing files.

  • Step Three

    Finding a Project

    Experts looking for work can log in to their accounts to browse available projects. Notifications about new projects are sent via email, making it easy for experts to quickly find and apply for opportunities that match their skills and availability.

  • Step Four

    Submitting Proposals

    Experts interested in a project can submit their proposals directly through the platform. Proposals should include:

    • Qualifications: Highlight relevant skills and experience.
    • Timeline: Provide an estimated timeframe for project completion.
    • Additional Information: Any other details that demonstrate your capability to deliver the project successfully.

    Administrators review all applications to ensure a good fit between the project requirements and the expert’s skills.

  • Step Five

    Selecting an Expert

    Our administrators carefully review expert applications and communicate with suitable candidates to confirm their ability to meet the project requirements. This process includes:

    • Application Review: Assessing the qualifications and experience of applicants.
    • Communication: Contacting experts via Signal, WhatsApp, or direct messaging to confirm availability and discuss project details.
    • Client Approval: Once a suitable expert is identified, the client is notified to make the necessary payment to proceed.

  • Project Management Tools

    We provide various tools to help you manage your project effectively:

    • Update Project Details: Clients can make changes to the project title, description, due date, budget, and attachments.
    • Manage Files: Clients can upload, delete, or download files related to their project.
    • Track Progress: Both clients and experts can monitor the progress of the project through the dashboard.

  • Communication Channels

    Effective communication is key. We use multiple channels including Signal, WhatsApp, and direct messaging to facilitate smooth interactions between clients, experts, and administrators throughout the project lifecycle.

  • Step Six


    Experts upload deliverables and necessary reports (e.g., plagiarism and AI reports) upon completing each milestone. Clients review and approve each milestone to ensure satisfaction.

  • Payment Process

    Clients pay the full project amount upfront, which is held securely by Jisort Ublow Enterprises. Payments to experts are made twice a month, ensuring they are compensated once the client is satisfied with the work.

  • Tracking Progress

    Clients can track the progress of their projects through the dashboard. This includes monitoring milestone completion and reviewing submitted work to ensure everything is on track.

  • Quality Assurance

    We implement strict quality control measures to ensure all work meets high standards:

    • Expert Review: Administrators review expert submissions to ensure they meet the project requirements.
    • Feedback Loop: Clients can request revisions or corrections to ensure the final deliverable meets their expectations.

  • Dispute Resolution

    If issues arise, our administrators step in to mediate and resolve disputes:

    • Quality Concerns: Addressing issues related to the quality of work submitted.
    • Deadline Extensions: Negotiating new deadlines in case of emergencies or unforeseen circumstances.
    • Reassignment: Reassigning the project to a new expert if necessary.

  • Providing Feedback

    Upon project completion, clients are encouraged to provide feedback on their experience. This helps us improve our services and assists experts in building their reputations on the platform.Feedback can be left on:

    • Project Quality
    • Communication
    • Timeliness

  • Finalizing a Project

    Once the client is satisfied with the work, they can mark the project as completed:

    • Completion Notification: Clients receive an email notifying them that the expert has submitted the final deliverable.
    • Approval: Clients can approve the work, request minor corrections, or reject the work if it doesn’t meet their standards.

  • Getting Paid

    Experts are paid twice a month, with payments processed after project completion and client approval. This ensures timely compensation and encourages high-quality work.

Tips for Clients

  • Clear Requirements: Clearly define your project requirements and budget to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Prompt Communication: Respond to messages and requests from experts and administrators promptly.
  • Provide Feedback: Offer detailed feedback to help improve the platform and services.

Tips for Experts

  • Complete Profile: Ensure your profile is complete and up-to-date with your skills, experience, and availability.
  • Timely Updates: Communicate any issues or delays as soon as they arise.
  • High Standards: Maintain high standards of work to build a strong reputation and receive positive feedback.